Title: Elora's Song
Series: The Caragh Chronicles ~ Book Two Genre: Christian Medieval Romance A renowned troubadour in the king’s army and a noble lady raised by nuns—once childhood sweethearts, they’re reunited years later by a mutual love of music.
Orphaned at a young age, Lady Elora spent most of her childhood raised in a convent where singing came as naturally to her as breathing. But as the age to consider taking the vow approached, a visit to her uncle’s home in Carisleau changed everything—she met Gerard de Castille. Despite the love that blossomed between them, the naïve and confused Elora rejected Gerard’s proposal. Years later, an unexpected encounter at a tournament thrusts them center stage once more when Gerard, now a famous troubadour, seeks Elora’s help in a royal musical performance. However, there is unrest in the kingdom of Edan and trouble soon follows. During such tumultuous times, can love sing in their hearts again? |